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easyjet app
easyjet app






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easyjet app是一款在国外非常实用的机票订购平台手机客户端,通过easyjet app在线上购买机票,可以自由选择喜欢的座位,最重要的是easyjet app给我们带来的优惠和折扣,让您在快乐的旅行中更省钱。

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easyJet您可以搜索,预订和管理您的航班都在手掌。 预订机票、选择座位、管理您的预订、新增航班选择;

- 多种货币支持:兹罗提,欧元,美元;

- 只搜索一个特定的飞行类;

- 支持语言:罗马尼亚,保加利亚,波兰,英国;

- 调用中心在罗马尼亚,保加利亚和波兰。

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航班价格 : 单人单程价格,基于两人用同一预订订单共同出行。包括管理费和机场税。使用信用卡支付和携带行李可能需要收取额外费用。

Europcar 提供租车 : 从易捷航空目的地机场的租车预订最高享受 30% 折扣。在优惠适用的情况下,易捷航空网站上显示的价格已包含折扣。某些目的地可能需要遵循某些限制。


v3.57.1Our developers have been busy with some enhancements and fixes for this app release, as well as laying the foundations for some upcoming app features.

We would like to inform you that our next update will no longer support iOS versions 12 and below. To continue using the app please update your device software to iOS 13 or higher.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.57Our developers have been busy with some enhancements and fixes for this app release, as well as laying the foundations for some upcoming app features.

We would like to inform you that our next update will no longer support iOS versions 12 and below. To continue using the app please update your device software to iOS 13 or higher.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.56.1Are you counting down the days to your summer holiday? If so, why not add your holiday booking to the app and view your package holiday details. Just add your booking via the ‘Add a booking’ feature using your surname and flight booking reference, or your surname, easyJet holidays reference and date of departure. While you’ve been getting ready for summer, our app developers have been hard at work with some small enhancements and fixes for this app update.

v3.56Are you counting down the days to your summer holiday? If so, why not add your holiday booking to the app and view your package holiday details. Just add your booking via the ‘Add a booking’ feature using your surname and flight booking reference, or your surname, easyJet holidays reference and date of departure. While you’ve been getting ready for summer, our app developers have been hard at work with some small enhancements and fixes for this app update.

v3.55.2This version of the app includes several bug fixes and small improvements to further improve your easyJet app experience.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.55.1This version of the app includes several bug fixes and small improvements to further improve your easyJet app experience.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.55Spring has sprung! Our developers sprang into action and have delivered a brand new feature! We proudly present the ability to view and select your recent searches on the ‘Book Trip’ screen, allowing you to quickly execute a previous search without having to re-enter all of your search criteria. Our developers continue their spring cleaning with small updates, fixes and improvements for this version of the app.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.54With Spring in the air, our developers have given the app a Spring clean with small updates, fixes and improvements for this version of the app. As always, we’re working hard to improve your easyJet app experience.

v3.53This version of the app includes several bug fixes and small improvements to further improve your easyJet app experience.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.52This version of the app includes several bug fixes and small improvements to further improve your easyJet app experience.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.51.1This version of the app includes several bug fixes and small improvements to further improve your easyJet app experience.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.51In this app update, we’ve made it easier to compare your fare options while offering even more fare bundles to choose from, so brighten up the dark nights by booking a city break this winter or your 2023 spring break! We’ve also refreshed some
screens to improve your easyJet app experience, as well as applying various bug
fixes and optimisations. If you have feedback or
new feature ideas, then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com

v3.50.1This version of the app includes several bug fixes and small improvements to further improve your easyJet app experience.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.50This version of the app includes several bug fixes and small improvements to further improve your easyJet app experience.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.49.1Let your tastebuds take off! In this update you will be able to view and browse our EAT DRINK SHOP brochure online and offline. Simply download the brochure while connected before you take off and browse at your leisure in the sky. We have also refreshed a few screens, as well bug fixes and small improvements to further your easyJet app experience.

v3.49Let your tastebuds take off! In this update you will be able to view and browse our EAT DRINK SHOP brochure online and offline. Simply download the brochure while connected before you take off and browse at your leisure in the sky. We have also refreshed a few screens, as well bug fixes and small improvements to further your easyJet app experience.

v3.48.2This version of the app includes several bug fixes and small improvements to further improve your easyJet app experience.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.48.1In this app update, you’ll find a fantastic new home screen. We think it’s pretty good, so it’s totally fine if you need to stare at it in amazement for a while - it’s enough to make Google jealous. We joke, but we hope you like and enjoy our changes as much as we do. We’ve also made a few small updates to the booking flow to improve your easyJet app experience, as well as some bug fixes and optimisations.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.48In this app update, you’ll find a fantastic new home screen. We think it’s pretty good, so it’s totally fine if you need to stare at it in amazement for a while - it’s enough to make Google jealous. We joke, but we hope you like and enjoy our changes as much as we do. We’ve also made a few small updates to the booking flow to improve your easyJet app experience, as well as some bug fixes and optimisations.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.47.1This version of the app includes several bug fixes and small improvements to further improve your easyJet app experience.

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.

v3.47Our developers have given the flight search results screen a fantastic makeover, hot on the heels of our recent low fare calendar. So, not only will you be able to easily find our lowest fares and make budget-friendly plans, but you'll also be able to view and compare our fare types, allowing you to choose the best option for your trip. You'll also notice a refreshed menu screen, just a little teaser for our brand new home screen, which will be heading your way soon!

If you have feedback or new feature ideas then you can reach us direct on app.feedback.iphone@easyjet.com.