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Tripsy是一款行程规划工具软件,规划您的行程, 与朋友分享您的旅程,它能将您的行程分享给家人和朋友、接收航班提醒、存储文件,同时还能看到关于全球部分城市的旅行建议,还可以存储自己的所有图片、笔记、视频和文档。












Tripsy允许您将整个旅行的所有路线分享给朋友和家人,绝无任何限制 。每个人都可以展开协作,向其中添加新活动或更新已有的活动。


现在,您可以存储自己的所有图片、笔记、视频和文档,并利用它们来制作旅行计划、一段在将来可以留念的记忆,或者您想到任何内容。您可以与客人分享这些内容 。












v2.15.13? Fixed an issue when adding new activities via the Share Extension, the time would be saved with the wrong timezone, causing the itinerary to be out of the order expected
? Other minor fixes and small improvements

v2.15.11? 修复了在不同时区添加交通方式时的问题,保存活动后时间会错误的 bug。
? 修复了按日期筛选活动列表时的崩溃问题。

v2.15.10? 修复了某些活动时区错误的问题
? 修复了某些活动没有坐标/地图位置的问题
? 在选择任何活动的日期时显示"今天"
? 在应用程序中加入购买Tripsy Pro终身版本的功能
? 新增对比免费版与Pro版Tripsy包含内容的界面

v2.15.9This update includes some minor improvements & bug fixes!

v2.15.8This update includes some minor improvements & bug fixes!

v2.15.7This update includes some minor improvements & bug fixes!


→ 在摄氏度和华氏度之间切换温度单位;
→ 选择显示或隐藏温度单位;



→ 10天的天气预报:查看每个位置的天气情况,并为意外事件做好准备;
→ 时区变化:从行程表中直接了解时区变化;
→ 出发和到达时间:在行程表和活动列表中查看交通活动的出发和到达时间。如果有终端/门信息,也将提供给您;
→ 获取方向:您的下一个活动将拥有一个快捷方式,让您可以使用您最喜爱的应用程序快速制定路线;
→ 活动按位置组织:去几个城市?现在有一种按位置查看活动的方法,以便更轻松地看到您正在寻找的地方;
→ 天数计数:使用我们的新天数计数功能跟踪您所在的日期编号。这可能看起来不重要,但它可以产生很大的影响!
→ 可自定义的行程仪表板:显示或隐藏信息,例如您的下一次航班、下一项活动或当前住宿;
→ 新图标:为您提供3个新的有趣应用程序图标:终端、行李提取和X光风格。


→ 在摄氏度和华氏度之间切换温度单位;
→ 选择显示或隐藏温度单位;



→ 10天的天气预报:查看每个位置的天气情况,并为意外事件做好准备;
→ 时区变化:从行程表中直接了解时区变化;
→ 出发和到达时间:在行程表和活动列表中查看交通活动的出发和到达时间。如果有终端/门信息,也将提供给您;
→ 获取方向:您的下一个活动将拥有一个快捷方式,让您可以使用您最喜爱的应用程序快速制定路线;
→ 活动按位置组织:去几个城市?现在有一种按位置查看活动的方法,以便更轻松地看到您正在寻找的地方;
→ 天数计数:使用我们的新天数计数功能跟踪您所在的日期编号。这可能看起来不重要,但它可以产生很大的影响!
→ 可自定义的行程仪表板:显示或隐藏信息,例如您的下一次航班、下一项活动或当前住宿;
→ 新图标:为您提供3个新的有趣应用程序图标:终端、行李提取和X光风格。


→ 在摄氏度和华氏度之间切换温度单位;
→ 选择显示或隐藏温度单位;



→ 10天的天气预报:查看每个位置的天气情况,并为意外事件做好准备;
→ 时区变化:从行程表中直接了解时区变化;
→ 出发和到达时间:在行程表和活动列表中查看交通活动的出发和到达时间。如果有终端/门信息,也将提供给您;
→ 获取方向:您的下一个活动将拥有一个快捷方式,让您可以使用您最喜爱的应用程序快速制定路线;
→ 活动按位置组织:去几个城市?现在有一种按位置查看活动的方法,以便更轻松地看到您正在寻找的地方;
→ 天数计数:使用我们的新天数计数功能跟踪您所在的日期编号。这可能看起来不重要,但它可以产生很大的影响!
→ 可自定义的行程仪表板:显示或隐藏信息,例如您的下一次航班、下一项活动或当前住宿;
→ 新图标:为您提供3个新的有趣应用程序图标:终端、行李提取和X光风格。


– 10天天气预报:查看每个地点的天气情况,为意外事件做好准备
– 时区更改:从您的行程直接了解时区更改
– 出发和到达时间:在行程和活动列表中查看交通活动的出发和到达时间。如果有终端/门信息,也将为您提供
– 获取方向:您的下一个活动将有一个快捷方式,因此您可以快速使用您喜欢的应用程序制定路线
– 活动按位置组织:去几个城市?现在有一种按位置查看活动的方式,因此更容易看到您正在寻找的地方
– 天数计数:通过我们的新天数计数功能跟踪您正在进行的天数。这似乎微不足道,但可能产生重大影响!
– 可定制的旅行仪表板:显示或隐藏信息,例如您的下一次航班,下一个活动或当前住宿。
– 新图标:为您提供3个新的有趣应用程序图标:终端,行李提取和X光风格。

v2.14.3- When traveling to different cities and countries, the lists of activities will be separated by them, making it easier to find the activity you're looking for.
- Changed the default time picker to have a 1-minute interval by default
- Now we're displaying how many days are left until your trip instead of rounding to week/month when it's less than 3 months

v2.14.2- When traveling to different cities and countries, the lists of activities will be separated by them, making it easier to find the activity you're looking for.
- Changed the default time picker to have a 1-minute interval by default
- Now we're displaying how many days are left until your trip instead of rounding to week/month when it's less than 3 months

v2.13.3This update contains bug fixes & small improvements.

v2.13.2This update contains bug fixes & small improvements.

v2.13.1- New categories: Cafe & Parking
- Several bug fixes and small improvements

v2.13.0This update contains bug fixes.

v2.12.8This update contains bug fixes.

v2.12.7This update contains bug fixes.

v2.12.6This update contains bug fixes.

v2.12.4This update includes bug fixes.

v2.12.3This update includes bug fixes related to flight search and changing activity dates.

v2.11.0This update contains bug fixes and small improvements.

v2.10.12- You can now edit your profile and delete your account directly from the app
- Bug fixes and small improvements.

v2.10.10This update contains bug fixes and small improvements.

v2.10.9This update contains bug fixes and small improvements.

v2.10.7This update contains bug fixes and small improvements.

v2.10.6This update contains bug fixes and small improvements.

v2.10.5- Fixed a bug in our premium itineraries that could cause a day missing
- Fixed a bug in our calendar integration introduced in our last update
- Fixed flight pins missing on the map when there was more than one flight
- Other minor improvements and fixes

v2.10.3- Fixed a bug where dates would be wrong when creating a new trip with some specific timezones.

**** Web Preview of the Itinerary ****

Now you can share a public link of your itinerary with anyone (literally anyone) to view the activities and documents of your trip. It has a really nice design and all of the information that you need from the places. The web page is read-only, so it’s not possible to collaborate from it.

With this feature, if the person you’re collaborating with doesn’t want to install the app or want to view it from Windows, Linux or anywhere else, they have the freedom to choose. We are very excited about what possibilities having a web view of Tripsy will do!

**** Forward anything, Tripsy will have a place for it ****

This is an evolution of our Tripsy Automation feature. In the past releases, you would send your reservations, and then we would parse the activities (if we could) and add them to your itinerary automatically, with all parsed information organized. This is still happening, and every day it gets more powerful, with more parsers support. But we improved this feature beyond the parsers we support.

Email can be useful for many things. They contain such important information and attachments that we cannot limit them. So they have a place on Tripsy now. From this release, all emails that you forward to Tripsy will have a place and a way to organize the trip — even if they get parsed by us, you will have access to the email they sent all the time (even offline).

Few examples of emails that can be useful:
- Recommendations from friends about a place to visit
- Newsletters from travel magazines that got you covered with valuable links and references
- Your notes that you just wanted to forward to Tripsy and have it saved for quick access later
- Documents that are important to you, sometimes it’s easier to send them over email rather than uploading in the app

There are infinite ways to take advantage of this feature, so we are very excited to release that!

v2.10.2- Improved the download of all documents
- Fixed a bug where the document would not be cached
- Fixed a bug where the timezone difference label would be cut
- Fixed a bug where notes would not show “…” in there there was more text
- Fixed a bug where locations on the map would not be presented
- Fixed a bug where check-out would display after check-in on the itinerary, even when there were no dates specified to the activity

**** Web Preview of the Itinerary ****

Now you can share a public link of your itinerary with anyone (literally anyone) to view the activities and documents of your trip. It has a really nice design and all of the information that you need from the places. The web page is read-only, so it’s not possible to collaborate from it.

With this feature, if the person you’re collaborating with doesn’t want to install the app or want to view it from Windows, Linux or anywhere else, they have the freedom to choose. We are very excited about what possibilities having a web view of Tripsy will do!

**** Forward anything, Tripsy will have a place for it ****

This is an evolution of our Tripsy Automation feature. In the past releases, you would send your reservations, and then we would parse the activities (if we could) and add them to your itinerary automatically, with all parsed information organized. This is still happening, and every day it gets more powerful, with more parsers support. But we improved this feature beyond the parsers we support.

Email can be useful for many things. They contain such important information and attachments that we cannot limit them. So they have a place on Tripsy now. From this release, all emails that you forward to Tripsy will have a place and a way to organize the trip — even if they get parsed by us, you will have access to the email they sent all the time (even offline).

Few examples of emails that can be useful:
- Recommendations from friends about a place to visit
- Newsletters from travel magazines that got you covered with valuable links and references
- Your notes that you just wanted to forward to Tripsy and have it saved for quick access later
- Documents that are important to you, sometimes it’s easier to send them over email rather than uploading in the app

There are infinite ways to take advantage of this feature, so we are very excited to release that!

v2.10.1**** Web Preview of the Itinerary ****

Now you can share a public link of your itinerary with anyone (literally anyone) to view the activities and documents of your trip. It has a really nice design and all of the information that you need from the places. The web page is read-only, so it’s not possible to collaborate from it.

With this feature, if the person you’re collaborating with doesn’t want to install the app or want to view it from Windows, Linux or anywhere else, they have the freedom to choose. We are very excited about what possibilities having a web view of Tripsy will do!

**** Forward anything, Tripsy will have a place for it ****

This is an evolution of our Tripsy Automation feature. In the past releases, you would send your reservations, and then we would parse the activities (if we could) and add them to your itinerary automatically, with all parsed information organized. This is still happening, and every day it gets more powerful, with more parsers support. But we improved this feature beyond the parsers we support.

Email can be useful for many things. They contain such important information and attachments that we cannot limit them. So they have a place on Tripsy now. From this release, all emails that you forward to Tripsy will have a place and a way to organize the trip — even if they get parsed by us, you will have access to the email they sent all the time (even offline).

Few examples of emails that can be useful:
- Recommendations from friends about a place to visit
- Newsletters from travel magazines that got you covered with valuable links and references
- Your notes that you just wanted to forward to Tripsy and have it saved for quick access later
- Documents that are important to you, sometimes it’s easier to send them over email rather than uploading in the app

There are infinite ways to take advantage of this feature, so we are very excited to release that!

v2.9.10This update resolves one crash introduced in our last update.

v2.9.9- Fixed bug with invites for trips without dates
- Fixed issue on moving activities to trips without dates
- Other improvements, and one big surprise coming...

v2.9.8- Fixed bug with invites for trips without dates
- Fixed issue on moving activities to trips without dates
- Other improvements, and one big surprise coming...

v2.9.6This update resolves some crashes and bugs.

v2.9.5This update adds support to Portuguese (Portugal), thanks to our lovely friend Ruben Dias. If you know some language that we don't support yet, and want to help us supporting it, we will be really happy to give you a 1-year subscription for free. Contact us at support@tripsy.app.

It also includes some bug fixes and small improvements.

Have many trips you want to do, but don’t know when (who doesn’t really?!)? Now this update is for you! With Tripsy you can now create plans for the future, that don’t have a specific date yet. Just start the plan, start adding your activities and places you want to visit. Later, you can set the dates for it, and the activities will update accordingly.

This update also improves a lot the search for activities. Now we have other data sources that might result in a better result, and you can also use expressions, such as “Coffee near Eiffel Tower” to find the place you’re looking. Stay tuned for even better improvements in our search results in the future, with more detailed information about each location.

v2.9.3This update adds support to Portuguese (Portugal), thanks to our lovely friend Ruben Dias. If you know some language that we don't support yet, and want to help us supporting it, we will be really happy to give you a 1-year subscription for free. Contact us at support@tripsy.app.

It also includes some bug fixes and small improvements.

Have many trips you want to do, but don’t know when (who doesn’t really?!)? Now this update is for you! With Tripsy you can now create plans for the future, that don’t have a specific date yet. Just start the plan, start adding your activities and places you want to visit. Later, you can set the dates for it, and the activities will update accordingly.

This update also improves a lot the search for activities. Now we have other data sources that might result in a better result, and you can also use expressions, such as “Coffee near Eiffel Tower” to find the place you’re looking. Stay tuned for even better improvements in our search results in the future, with more detailed information about each location.

v2.9.2Have many trips you want to do, but don’t know when (who doesn’t really?!)? Now this update is for you! With Tripsy you can now create plans for the future, that don’t have a specific date yet. Just start the plan, start adding your activities and places you want to visit. Later, you can set the dates for it, and the activities will update accordingly.

This update also improves a lot the search for activities. Now we have other data sources that might result in a better result, and you can also use expressions, such as “Coffee near Eiffel Tower” to find the place you’re looking. Stay tuned for even better improvements in our search results in the future, with more detailed information about each location.

v2.9.1Have many trips you want to do, but don’t know when (who doesn’t really?!)? Now this update is for you! With Tripsy you can now create plans for the future, that don’t have a specific date yet. Just start the plan, start adding your activities and places you want to visit. Later, you can set the dates for it, and the activities will update accordingly.

This update also improves a lot the search for activities. Now we have other data sources that might result in a better result, and you can also use expressions, such as “Coffee near Eiffel Tower” to find the place you’re looking. Stay tuned for even better improvements in our search results in the future, with more detailed information about each location.

v2.8.4- Now on calendar sync, there is also an “all-day” event for the entire trip
- Fixed a bug where order of the activities could be wrong in some cases, when looking at a specific category list
- Fixed a bug where the list would not scroll to current trip on app startup

v2.8.3This update brings a lot of new things and improvements to the app, and it’s the official iOS 15 update for Tripsy.

- Brand new beautiful icon for all platforms
- Better font size, color, and spacing overall in the app
- View your flights on the map
- Select your favorite icon between 13 new classic choices
- Hide your past trips if you prefer to have a clear view on your trips list
- New extra large widget available for iPadOS 15, with trip shortcuts on the side
- New small widget, with a shortcut/view for a specific category in your trip: restaurant, flights, car, etc. You can have multiple widgets and choose different categories to each as well -)
- Quick-note feature on iPadOS 15: when viewing an activity, you can use the quick-note feature to quickly generate a link and open the activity later Very useful when taking notes and using Tripsy at the same time.
- Paginated results when looking for a background image (and better quality)
- New preferences screen, cleaner and easier to find the options
- Reminders before your trip starts, to start organizing and start packing
- When duplicating an activity, the app will now immediately ask for the date of the new activity, since it’s a common action

Fixes and improvements:

- Fixed sharing menus on macOS/iPadOS that were out of place
- Fixed issue with dashboard icons changing colors when the phone was in dark mode & then later light more
- Fixed: sort of the results by distance when searching for an activity
- Fixed: removed “Notes” from calendar sync
- Fixed: issue with sync when updating an entry right after inserting it
- Fixed flow when adding new transportation methods via activities list or long-press


This update brings a lot of new things and improvements to the app, and it’s the official iOS 15 update for Tripsy.- Brand new beautiful icon for all platforms- Better font size, color, and spacing overall in the app- View your flights on the map- Select your favorite icon between 13 new classic choices- Hide your past trips if you prefer to have a clear view on your trips list- New extra large widget available for iPadOS 15, with trip shortcuts on the side- New small widget, with a shortcut/view for a specific category in your trip: restaurant, flights, car, etc. You can have multiple widgets and choose different categories to each as well -)- Quick-note feature on iPadOS 15: when viewing an activity, you can use the quick-note feature to quickly generate a link and open the activity later Very useful when taking notes and using Tripsy at the same time.- Paginated results when looking for a background image (and better quality)- New preferences screen, cleaner and easier to find the options- Reminders before your trip starts, to start organizing and start packing- When duplicating an activity, the app will now immediately ask for the date of the new activity, since it’s a common actionFixes and improvements:- Fixed sharing menus on macOS/iPadOS that were out of place- Fixed issue with dashboard icons changing colors when the phone was in dark mode & then later light more- Fixed: sort of the results by distance when searching for an activity- Fixed: removed “Notes” from calendar sync- Fixed: issue with sync when updating an entry right after inserting it- Fixed flow when adding new transportation methods via activities list or long-press