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- 创建无限数量的任务并邀请其他人与您合作

- 可快速访问所有任务的指示板

- 清单/预定义清单

- 通知能让您及时了解团队最新动态

- 跨所有设备的实时通信

- 项目和任务中的活动流

- 评论和点赞任务

- 集成的时间跟踪小部件


- 创建项目组

- 为指示板和项目上传自定义背景图像

- 多个清单

- 周期性任务

- 上传的每个文件档案不能超过200MB

- 使用各种操作将工作流程自动化

- 统计数据和报告

- 议程——个人指示板


- 角色与权限

- 与您的团队共享项目

- 自定义字段

- 合规和活动导出

- 优先支持


v5.16.0This update contains several performance improvements and bug fixes.

v5.15.3This update contains several performance improvements and bug fixes.

v5.15.2This update contains several performance improvements and bug fixes.

v5.14.2In this update we have again focused on several improvements and eliminating bug fixes to remain intuitive for our users.

v5.11.0With this update it will be possible to view the 3 most recently visited projects in a separate section. In addition, sync improvements have been made to further improve the user experience.

v5.10.1In this update we have again focused on several improvements and eliminating bug fixes to remain intuitive for our users.

v5.10.0This update allows to select different project icons and colors as project settings and upload own images. In addition, groups can now be mentioned in comments and checklist items, provided they are members of the project.

v5.9.0With this update it will be possible to view which groups have access to projects and invite new ones to collaborate. Also the permissions for groups can be controlled via the app.

v5.8.2In this update we have again focused on several improvements and eliminating bug fixes to remain intuitive for our users.

v5.8.1In this update we have again focused on several improvements and eliminating bug fixes to remain intuitive for our users.

v5.8.0This update contains several improvements and bug fixes. Besides, support for iOS 13 is discontinued.

v5.7.0With this update, we released a brand new design for the section icons and the menu.

v5.6.1In this update we have again focused on several improvements and eliminating bug fixes to remain intuitive for our users.

v5.6.0Shooting out a quick update that contains an UI update in the project info screen and a couple of bug fixes.

v5.5.1In this update we have again focused on several improvements and eliminating bug fixes to remain intuitive for our users.


With this release, it is possible to filter tasks by status, due date or observer. In addition, the filter options for due dates and tags have been extended.