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Pro CSS and HTML Design Patterns is a reference book and a cookbook on how to style web pages using CSS and XHTML. It contains 350 ready–to–use patterns (CSS and XHTML code snippets) you can copy and paste into your code. Each pattern can be combined with other patterns to create an unlimited number of solutions.
Each pattern works reliably in all major browsers without the need for browser hacks.
The book shows how to
·Code CSS and XHTML
·Turn HTML into XHTML
·Use CSS Selectors
·Use six CSS Box Models
·Create rounded corners, shadows, gradients, sprites, and transparency
·Replace text with images without affecting accessibility
·Style text with fonts, highlights, decorations, and shadows
·Create flexible, fluid layouts
·Position elements with absolute pixel precision
·Stack elements in layers
·Size, stretch, shrinkwrap, indent, align, and offset elements
·Style tables with borders and alternating striped rows
·Size table columns automatically
·Integrate CSS and JavaScript without embedding JavaScript in XHTML
·Create drop caps, callouts, quotes, and alerts
The book’s layout, with a pattern’s example on the left page and its explanation on the right, makes it easy to find a pattern and study it without having to flip between pages. The book is also readable from cover to cover, with topics building carefully upon previous topics.
A software developer can use this book to learn CSS for the first time. A designer familiar with CSS can use this book to master CSS and XHTML. If you are completely new to coding or completely new to CSS and XHTML, you may want to read an introductory book on CSS and XHTML first.
You can interact with all the examples in the book at www.cssDesignPatterns.com.
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