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?????????? 程序连锁启动器[exelink]是一个用于实现应用程序之间连锁启动关系的工具。连锁启动是指程序之间需要同时运行的关系,比如当A软件运行时,需要同时启动B和C软件,又或者A、B、C软件在任何时候均需要同时运行等.利用本工具来很方便的实现以上功能,尤其适合启动一些针对某程序的后台、外挂、接口处理程序。在本工具中若把A软件作为目标程序,B、C软件设为连锁启动程序,则当本软件发现A已运行时,便会自动启动B和C,即使B、C因人为或意外退出,本软件也会再次启动B、C,直至其稳定运行为止。本工具可以设为随系统自动启动和退出,并隐藏自身,不会影响系统任何正常功能。1.2版本根据用户的要求,加入了对VBS脚本的支持,用户可以往程序添加VBS脚本,当发现目标程序时,可以执行VBS脚本
Process chain starter [exelink] is an application used to start the relationship between the chain tool. Refers to the procedures to start a chain between the need to run the relationship, such as when A run-time software, need to start B and C software, or A, B, C software at any time, such as the need to run at the same time. The use of this tool is to facilitate the realization of the above features, is particularly suitable for a procedure to start some of the background, plug, interface processes. In this tool if the A software program as the target, B, C software is set to start the process chain, when the software has been found that A run-time, will be automatically activated in B and C, even if the B, C due to human or from the accident, The software will re-start B, C, until the date of its stable operation. With this tool can be set to automatically start and exit, and hide themselves, will not affect the normal functioning of any system. 1.2 version based on user requirements, adding a VBS script support, users can add to the VBS script, upon detection of the target program, can execute VBS script
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